Health Workers
Helping Neighborhoods Thrive

CHW Basic Training
General CHW Training is the first step in becoming a CHW. General CHW Trainings incorporate the 13 CHW Core Competencies into their training. General CHW Training can occur in as little as 40 hours or take one semester- depending on the program you attend. Below is a link to the General CHW Trainings in Illinois.
If you have questions about how to attend a General CHW Training in Illinois please send an email to : and in the subject line, type General CHW Training Request.
Currently IPHA as part of a HRSA grant may be able to assist you with the cost of completing a General CHW training program.
Training Sites
The sites listed below offer Community Health Worker Basic training in Illinois that is aligned with the CHW Core Competencies. You will find links to their programs below.
Each program is set up differently in terms of credit hours, training styles, trainee requirements, and when the program is offered.
If you are interested in taking any of the trainings, please email
In the subject line, type in CHW Basic Training.
Harper College Community Health Worker Program
Illinois Public Health Association
Malcolm X College Community Health Worker Program
Southern Illinois University
South Suburban College
Southwestern Illinois College